Blog, Health Tips, Posture


This is a sensitive topic for me, I am the child of a  migraine sufferer. As a teenager I watched the one person who was my Hero weakened in front of me.   I wanted to know Why she suffered? What caused it? and what helpful actions can we take?   My mother  is the reason I became a doctor. This Blog is dedicated to her and all the families who have experienced the pain.

Dr. Romina Ghassemi D.C.

Graduate of 1995, Mother, Inventor, Founder Speaker, CEO

“My most important accomplishment is being voted as best Aunti”.

To you & your family’s health.

neck pain, slouching, poor posture, headache, pain,

What is the cause of your headaches, tips to help, tools to identify potential impact.

Have you ever experienced a headache? Majority of headaches have their underlying cause out side the brain and head area.  Did you know every day millions of people suffer form headaches. Most are either migraine ( Vascular) or Tension type ( muscular).



Infrequent as once per year to several times per day. If you ever lived with someone or yourself experienced a migraine attack, you know it affects you not just suffering in pain, and emotional sensitivity but it robs you from seconds of your life. A migraine can last several hours to days, felt on both sides , throbbing or pulsating, stabbing or piercing pain. This type of headache can interfere with function of other body parts such as vision, smell, mood, nausea or vomiting.

Tension Headaches:

Constant, deep dull ache that can be felt on both sides, feels like a compressing or pressure pain.

Possible Causes of headaches:


Rounded Shoulders Slouching SPINAL MISALIGNMENTS

Odors/ Pollution Food Allergies Forwards Head Position

Anxiety Alcohol Sinusitis

Diseases Chemical & or Vascular Imbalances 

And many more irritating factors to some of above underlying cause.

Immediate check up if you experience:

Blurred/Sensitive vision Food Allergies Heart pounding Fainting

Medical Approach:

Medical approach is to find the CHEMICAL & VISCERAL problems, disease that cause headaches.  A chemical imbalance that needs chemical attention (medicine), mind you some headaches are caused by medications. Read the side effects of the current medications you are taking, discuss details with your Physician. Depending on the severity of the condition, mediation is prescribed.

Holistic Approach:

Screen Shot 2015-11-09 at 6.17.12 AMChiropractic is a natural method of health care the treats the cases of PHYSICAL problems, not only your symptoms but rather the WHY of your pain. What you feel is a symptom, a sign or an indication that could be stemming from a nerve impingement due to change in BIO-MECHANICS (BIO= biology, MECHANICS= the intricate system of movement and alignment= function) of your body.

Your posture is the first reflection of change in your biomechanics, or the balance of your body.
Visualize with me you are an audience in a grand symphony with best seats in the house,…  every sound, note, verse, melody is synchronized and coordinated to give you joy.

Screen Shot 2015-12-30 at 2.18.21 AMMovement is like a symphony orchestra, synchronized harmony, balance and coordination between tendons, muscles, joints controlled by your nervous system.

When your body is out of alignment it feels harsh and “not normal”  similar to uncoordinated orchestra. Your nervous system is the conductor to this symphony called movement.

Physical Rehabilitation is similar to tuning the instruments, a good Chiropractor is trained to keep this orchestra tuned and support the conductor. The conductor (Central Nervous System) responds well to chiropractic work.

Your posture, just like your breath is first noticed by others. It is the most immediate visual to predict the BIOMECHANICS of your body and the music of your movement.

Today over 6.8 billion people own a smart device.

45% of employees have Neck Pain.

Adolescents have worse posture than our elderly.

Find out if you or a loved one is at risk, visit BAX-U.COM and take the PostureScore test to identify the problem NOW, wether you like to do something about it on immediate basis or not. The test will at least let you know where you stand. Watch the video “How to check your posture”.

This posture home screening will give you a head start. Those relentless headaches could possibility have a physical cause that can be resolved easily.

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1-Tips on Preventing headaches:

Wear Comfortable and Effective Posture Supports.

Eliminate your food allergies

Mediate, & Think Positive

Get your spine checked

Adopt proper posture

Sleep 6-8 hrs / night

Regular Exercise

2-Immediate relief:

Lay on the bed, let you head rest on the edge of the bed.

Roll a warm towel under your neck.

Place a cool towel over your eyes.

Breath 5-7 deep breaths

(Inhale 2x longer than exhale for example inhale on count of 8, and exhale on count of 4)

Relax, and go to your happy place. Think of how you felt when you smiled, you were appreciative, grateful, joyous and last time you laughed so hard that your eyes teared.

3-Your Nutritional Balance

Calcium Ca++ ( cheated from is best). 1500 mg 2x/day

Magnesium 1000mg

Coenzyme 30 mg 2x/day

Beneficial Herbs:

Brigham Goldenseal root Mint

Burdock root Lavender Rosemary

Fever few Lobelia Marshmallow

4-Avoid as much as possible:

Alcohol Bananas Caffeine Cheese

Sour cream Chicken Cold Cuts Smoked fish

Herring Peanut Butter Pork Wine

I hope you enjoyed this simple article, please keep in touch via Facebook, I be happy to write about health conditions that are important to you.

Dr. Romina Ghassemi

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