Think Healthy Inc, is a posture correcting company located in Santa Monica California we are a (WOSB) woman owned small business that houses, a Certified Chiropractor, Certified Ergonomist with over 24 years of experience. We specializes Spinal Biomechanics, Shoulder/ Back & Posture wearable Supports /Vests and Ergonomics Risk Preventions Programs. Our products and services have proven record of benefiting companies in reducing employees overall body discomfort by 60% promoting improving posture by 90% and increasing at work productivity by 21% we offer a conservative, objective and result driven wellness and prevention services and products to support these benefits.
- Online Risk Assessment
- On Site Ergonomic Assessments
- Shoulder/Back Wearable
- Fitting
- Training Agains MSD’s
- Onsite/Virtual Health Lectures
- Better Posture at work
- Nutrition & wellness
- Stress Management
- Carpel Tunnel Prevention
- Safer Back and Shoulders
- Healthy Eating Habits
- Woman Owned Small Business Certified Chiropractor
- Certified Ergonomist
- Onsite Wellness Lectures
- Wearable MSD Correction
- Innovative product of the year
- Shoulder/Back Reflective Wearables
- Posture Correction Vests & Braces
- Back by corporate studies
- Back by university studies
- Informative Basic Wellness videos
NAICS Codes & Classifications:
NAICS codes:
- 41612
- 611430
- 423450
- 446199
- 337214
- 339113
- 541690
Core Competencies:
- Risk assessment analysis
- BaXu Shoulder/Posture Brace / Vest
- BaXu Shoulder/Posture shirt
- (V-neck Short sleeve)
- (Tank Top No sleeve)
- Accessories
- Onsite/Virtual Health Lectures